♡ Why did you start your blog?
To tell you the truth I started my blog after seeing a girl from the school I used to go to had a YouTube channel so I wanted to do something fun like that too, now I wasn't comfortable showing my face on the Internet but I remembered blogging was an option so I watched way too many videos on starting a blog and here I am.
♡ What is your most embarrassing moment?
When me and my friend went on a trampoline and my crush was there so I was doing backflips on it and I fell off the trampoline, don't laugh it killed my back and I couldn't look at him for a week
♡ Do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?
No I don't take shampoo and conditioner from hotels as I never actually like the smell of them, they just aren't very nice
♡ Are you afraid of heights?
No, I'm a complete adrenaline junky and love heights but my friends don't so I never actually get to go on these mad roller coasters I want to go on.
♡ Can you curl your tongue?
I can't really, but I can roll my tongue and everyone calls me speedy Gonzales as I always come first whenever I run against friends and because I can roll my tongue, haha.
♡ Favourite hobby?
My favourite hobby, after blogging would have to be gymnastics, I just love hurling myself all around the place
♡ Have you ever peed in the woods?
I've never peed in the woods, um and I don't plan to.
♡ What is your favourite TV show?
My favourite to show, this is really hard. I have five:
• Victorious, to relive the memories on Netflix
• Reign
• Gossip girl
• 90210
♡ Nike or Adidas?
Adidas but only because I heard that Nike use child labour to manufacture the shoes, but I don't ever wear trainers, only on PE and they are Adidas too.
♡ Describe your blog in 3 words
If I were to describe my blog in three words it would have to be
Helpful. Happy. Inspiring? That's what I hope for it to be like anyway!